Serving the Adult Industry for 20 years!
25 years serving various industries!
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Tax Preparation
A tax return is as unique as the fingerprint of the taxpayer to whom it belongs. There are multiple ways of preparing a tax return, all may be technically correct but only one will be the most beneficial to the taxpayer. Much knowledge, skill and creativity is used by a tax preparer to this end as the preparer must utilize both tax law and mathematics. For example, it may take specific information from two or three tax publications to come to one correct answer while it would seem to the taxpayer that only one publication is needed.
To keep abreast of the constantly changing tax laws and regulations, I attend many types of seminars and tax classes throughout the year. I also have great resources in the realm of tax law as well as a Licensed Investment Advisor if you have the need.
I am a Golden Rule business person - I treat others the way I wish to be treated and will prepare your return as if it were my own. Unlike many preparers that take your information and mysteriously return a finished package to you, I help you understand the basic workings of your return, like your car, so that you will know of what to keep in mind in the future. I choose to not tread in gray areas and will only use that which I feel will not be challenged by the IRS. Of course, if you prefer the exchange of information for a mysteriously prepared return, I will accommodate.
I only work within the realm of that which is legal. I have never and will never detract from this regardless of the circumstances. My services are intended to provide a safe and non-judgmental place where those in the Adult Industry are respected and treated like every other business person. So, it is a place to feel comfortable, but know that I prepare Adult Industry tax returns no differently than I prepare those for my vanilla clients.
Please read my web log post, "The “Appearance & Image” Issue Demystified" found at https://taxdomme.wordpress.com/2013/03/04/the-appearance-image-issue-demystified/
This explains why I cannot deduct various items such as over-the-counter makeup, regular street clothing and gym memberships. Please note that I only follow the rules, I do not make them.
It poses no problem for me to prepare taxes long-distance. My happy clients are all over the U.S., Canada and Europe. I am able to prepare state tax returns for all states that require them, including corporate returns.
Services include, but are not limited to:
Authorized IRS e-file Provider
International & Non-resident US tax returns (US citizens living in other countries)
Resident & Non-resident alien tax returns (aliens living in the US)
Federal returns (Individual & Business)
State returns (Individual & Business)
Corporate returns/Extensions (Federal & State Due March 15th)
Foreign-Owned US Corporations (Federal & State Due March 15th)
Federal & State Estimate Payments (figuring & preparation)
Federal & State Extensions
Preparation of past year tax returns as far back as needed (You know who you are and it's ok)
Quarterly estimated tax payments (clients only)
Help understanding your IRS letters (clients only)
Help setting up IRS payment plans (clients only)
Help setting up IRS Offers in Compromise (Know that even with help, this generally has a very low acceptance rate)(clients only)
Tax planning (clients only)
Business organization
Business start-up consultation package
If there is something you need that is not stated here, please ask me about it!
Your use of The Tax Domme (MY) services is subject to the terms and conditions that are listed on this website. By using The Tax Domme services, you are agreeing to all of these terms and conditions. From time to time, I may change these terms and conditions by updating this web page. Please check back here occasionally to review any changes that may have been made. The date of web page revision is found at the bottom of this web page. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please do not request or use my services.
Before services will be rendered, a Terms of Service Agreement form will be sent to you by e-mail or fax to be signed and dated. Acceptance of my services is an acceptance of ALL of the terms mentioned here and on the Terms of Service Agreement.
I only work within the realm of that which is legal. I have never and will never detract from this regardless of the circumstances. My services are intended to provide a safe and non-judgmental place where those in the Adult Industry are respected and treated like every other business person. So, it is a place to feel comfortable, but know that I prepare Adult Industry tax returns no differently than I prepare those for my vanilla clients.
Retainers are to be paid in full prior to any work begun. If additional fees to the retainer are due, upon completion of services rendered payment is to be made in full in a reasonable amount of time prior to any completed materials sent unless prior agreement with me has been made. No exceptions.
Services will be held until all checks or money orders clear my band and all services will be rendered when the fee clears my bank. No exceptions
If payment due is not made for any service rendered, all original materials will be mailed back to you at your expense and services will be stopped with all payments made forfeited.
New Client Policies
I am always happy to answer basic tax questions without a fee. If the answer to your question/s goes beyond the basic, you will either need to pay for a consultation or become a client. Established clients receive full-year-round tax advice included with their paid tax return. This is renewed for every year a tax return is completed by me.
A photo ID must be provided for every e-mail address used.
A copy of the social security card must be provided for every dependent claimed.
All fees are to be paid in advance of work done or consultation beyond the initial client consultation 1; (e-mail or phone) No exceptions.
There is to be payment in advance of any work done or tax consultation beyond the initial client consult1 (e-mail or phone) No exceptions.
For returns that require a state tax return:
$600.00 non-refundable retainer3 for each Business tax return (not incorporated/individual return included)
$1,000.00 non-refundable retainer3 for each Corporate/Partnership tax return (individual return retainer separate fee)
For 1040 returns that do not require a state tax return (Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington & Wyoming) and Corporate & Partnership returns incorporated in these states (Wyoming, Nevada, Texas, South Dakota & Washington):
$500 non-refundable retainer3 for each Business tax return (not incorporated/individual return included)
$800 non-refundable retainer3 for each Corporate/Partnership tax return (individual return retainer separate fee
For those clients that come to me with their income/expenses in a disorganized manner (not categorized), an additional bookkeeping fee of $125 will be added to the final return amount. I send a Client Homework sheet to assist in organizing your material after the initial client consult1; and prior to tax return preparation, so this charge is usually not necessary.
Bookkeeping: I provide a separate bookkeeping service at $1,500.00/per year.
Consultation Fee: My consultation fee is $100/hr with a 1 hour minimum. If you then become a client, I will deduct this fee from your retainer so you are not paying extra.
1 Initial client consult consists of client explaining their situation, what services they are seeking, very basic tax questions answered, explanation of what I can do for them and my estimated² price quote.
2 Estimated price quotes are just that, estimates. As each return/piece of work is as individual as the client's fingerprint, it is impossible to know exactly of what the work will consist until it is near completion.
3 A retainer is a payment, like a deposit or prepayment that is applied toward your payment of completed services. A retainer is not an additional charge and represents the minimal price for that service.
These terms are subject to change at any time. Please check back for updates.
It has always been the policy of Lori St. Kitts, The Tax Domme, to keep all information that I collect from you, confidential from all sources. I do collect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources:
Information I receive from you on tax preparation organizers, worksheets, Federal and State tax reporting forms, and from other documents I use in tax preparation or other financial and related services.
Information about your transactions with me, my affiliates, and others.
Information I may receive from outside agencies such as banks and brokerage houses.
I do not disclose any nonpublic personal information about my clients or former clients, except as permitted, required, or approved by you in writing as listed below:
Requirements to comply with federal, state or local law.
Requirements to comply with national, state or local licensing rules.
Requirements to disclose information in response to legal subpoenas.
Items you permit or request me to disclose, as authorized by you in writing.
Information that you authorize me to disclose by signing forms to electronically file your tax return or other applicable forms.
I have implemented physical security, electronic security safeguards and strict procedural measures consistent with federal standards to protect your nonpublic personal information.
You contact me initially by e-mail (not phone). A phone or Skype appointment may be set up for a later date after retainer is paid. I do enjoy talking to clients!
I e-mail to you my new client standard e-mail that outlines my services, fees and Engagement Letter.
You pay the applicable retainer.
I e-mail to you the links to the online, fill-in applicable organizers. A copy is automatically sent to me.
You send to me copies of tax documents, spreadsheets, an initialed/signed Engagement Letter and all applicable copies of photo IDs and Social Security cards.
I wield my magic.
I e-mail to you the results of your tax return/s, tax payment/refund options. I mail my invoice via PayPal.
You pay your invoice in full. (clearing of checks is required before taxes are e-filed or mailed, if applicable)
I e-mail to you your copies of your returns and the applicable e-file forms that you digitally sign. A copy is automatically sent to me.
I e-file your return/s with the IRS and state, if applicable.
I e-mail you when your returns are accepted.
We each put our feet up with a cocktail (or beverage of your choice) and wait to do it all again the following year.
I am a business person who follows the Golden Rule. I treat others as I would like to be treated and I only charge that which I would honestly myself pay.
I charge by the form unless there are very unusual circumstances that require a lot of extra time. My rates have been carefully calculated to be fair all around and to keep with the costs of business maintenance. You will find that they are comparable to most major tax companies. The advantage you have with me over the major tax companies is that I provide year-round personal service as well as a wicked sense of humor.
The average Sole Proprietor 1040 return with business income and a state return required starts at $600.
The average Sole Proprietor 1040 return with business income and no state required starts at $500.
Corporate/Partnership returns with a state return required starts at $1,000.
Corporate/Partnership returns with a state return required starts at $800.
My consultation-only fee is $100 per hour with a 1 hr minimum.
Bookkeeping/Accounting - $1,500. per year.
For those clients that come to me with their income/expenses in a disorganized manner (not categorized), an additional bookkeeping fee of $100/per hour 3 hour minimum will be added to the final return amount. I send a Client Homework sheet to assist in organizing your material after the initial client consult and prior to tax return preparation, so this charge is usually not necessary.
My sense of humor, priceless.
Credit and Debit cards.
I prefer secure payment through Square. I have a direct payment button on the Tax Domme home page.
Paypal: PayPal ID: lori@taxdomme.com
Venmo - @Lori-StKitts
Google Pay - loristkitts@gmail.com
Cash App - $lstkitts
Money order
Clearing of checks is required before taxes are e-filed or mailed, if applicable.
Please make checks payable to Lori St. Kitts -
As with all payment options, payment in full is required before taxes are e-filed or mailed, if applicable. I do not give discounts for payment in cash.
Online payment may be made at any time by clicking "Pay Retainer via Square" on the Home Page.
This is an extensive list of the types of forms and information I will need to prepare your tax return. Some things are necessary and others may not apply to you. This is just to help you get organized.
Personal Data:
A copy of last year's (last three years if you are a new client) Federal and, if applicable, State tax returns. (see TAX PREP INFO page if you need copies)
Birth dates (including spouse & children if applicable)
Social Security numbers (including spouse & children if applicable)
ID verification from DL, state ID or passport (required by the IRS). Name, type of ID, ID#, date of issue and date of expiration.
Health insurance 1095-A, 1095-B or 1095-C
Alimony paid: Name & Social Security number
Employment & Income Data:
W-2 forms for this year
Unemployment compensation: Form 1099-G
Miscellaneous income including rent: Form 1099-MISC and 1099-K
Alimony received
Jury duty pay
Gambling & lottery winnings: Form W-2G
Prizes & awards
Scholarships & fellowships
State & local income tax refunds: Form 1099-G
Homeowner/Renter Data:-
Residential addresses for this year
Mortgage interest: Form 1098
Second mortgage interest paid
Sale of your home or other real estate: Form 1099-S
Real estate taxes paid
Rent paid during tax year
Moving expenses
Interest income statements: Form 1099-INT & 1099-OID
Dividend income statements: Form 1099-DIV
Proceeds from broker transactions: Form 1099-B
Retirement plan distribution: Form 1099-R
Personal property tax information
Auto loans & leases (account numbers & car value) if vehicle used for business
Student loan interest paid
Early withdrawal penalties on CD's & other time deposits
Gifts to charity (qualified written statement from charity for any single donations of $250 or more)
Unreimbursed expenses related to volunteer work (mileage, out-of-pocket expenses)
Unreimbursed expenses related to your job (travel expenses, mileage, uniforms, union dues, subscriptions, tools)
Investment expenses
Job Hunting or Seeking Employment Expenses: Resume copies, mileage or travel, new clothes for interviews, etc.
Child care/Adult care expenses (need name & SS# of person or name & EIN# of institution)
Medical Savings Accounts
Adoption expenses
Alimony paid (need name & SS# of person or name & EIN# of institution)
Tax return preparation expenses & fees
Self-Employment Data:-
Business income: Forms 1099-NEC, 1099-MISC, 1099-K and/or own records
Partnership SE income: Schedules K-1
Business-related expenses: Receipts, other documents & own records
Employment taxes & other business taxes paid for current year: Payment records
If work out of the home, square footage of entire home, square footage of area business is run, all expenses related to home (utility bills, rent, phone, internet connnection, repairs, etc...)
Miscellaneous Tax Documents:-
Federal, state (if applicable) & local estimated income tax paid for current year: Estimated tax vouchers, cancelled checks & other payment records
IRA, Keogh and other retirement plan contributions: If self-employed, identify as for self or employees
Records to document medical expenses
1099-C (Cancellation of Debt)
Records to document casualty or theft loss
Records for any other expenditures that may be deductible
Records for any other revenue or sales of property that may be taxable or reportable
Anything else that you think is relevent - when in doubt, bring it in!
I will NOT accept TRANSCRIPTS. They do not provide me with the information that I need to see and have on file in order to keep in compliance with the IRS.
Below I offer the information from the IRS explaining how to get an EXACT copy of your tax return for a given year. It takes about 60 days and costs, at present, $57. The form 4506 is only one page, easy to fill out and has instructions about how to fill it out as well as where to send it.
Copy of Your Tax Return - How to Get One
I require a copy of your last 2-3 years tax returns. From these I can obtain information that you may not realize is important and I can see if any mistakes have been made. Mistakes that will often be transferred onto the current year return, thus making it inaccurate as well. I know that in the course of living life copies of returns can be lost like anything else.
If you need an exact copy of a previously filed and processed tax return and all attachments (including Form W-2), you should complete Form 4506 (PDF), Request for Copy of Tax Return, and mail it to the address listed in the instructions, along with a $57.00 fee for each tax year requested. The check or money order for the fee should be made payable to the "United States Treasury". Copies are generally available for returns filed in the current and past six years. Copies of jointly filed tax returns may be requested by either spouse and only one signature is required. Allow 60 calendar days to receive your copies.